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MasterCard Debit and Credit Cards in Asia Pacific
As of 31st December 2015, MasterCard’s customers had issued 1.536 billion MasterCard cards worldwide, an increase of 9.95% percent over the cards issued at December 31, 2014.
The number of MasterCard holders in Asia Pacific / Middle East / Africa stood at 547 million as at 31st December 2015, an increase of 15.40% or 73 milion compares to 474 million to the same period in 2014.

The gross dollar volume(GDV) of purchases in Asia Pacific / Middle East / Africa for all MasterCard-branded cards (excluding Cirrus and Maestro) and for both MasterCard credit and charge card programs and MasterCard debit programs for the year ended December 31, 2015 is USD$1,387 billion. This is a significant increase of 5.72% or USD$75 billion over the prior year.

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MasterCard Debit and Credit Cards in Asia Pacific 2013-2014

As of 31st December 2014, MasterCard’s customers had issued 1.397 billion MasterCard cards worldwide, an increase of 11.40% percent over the cards issued at December 31, 2013.
The number of MasterCard holders in Asia Pacific / Middle East / Africa stood at 474 million as at 31st December 2014, an increase of 12.59% or 53 milion compares to 421 million to the same period in 2013.

The gross dollar volume(GDV) of purchases in Asia Pacific / Middle East / Africa for all MasterCard-branded cards (excluding Cirrus and Maestro) and for both MasterCard credit and charge card programs and MasterCard debit programs for the year ended December 31, 2014 is USD$1,312 billion. This is a significant increase of 13.59% or USD$157 billion over the prior year.

MasterCard Debit and Credit Cards in Asia Pacific 2012-2013

As of 31st December 2013, MasterCard’s customers had issued 1.254 billion MasterCard cards worldwide, an increase of 10.88% percent over the cards issued at December 31, 2012.
The number of MasterCard holders in Asia Pacific / Middle East / Africa stood at 421 million as at 31st December 2013, an increase of 14.71% or 54 milion compares to 367 million to the same period in 2012.

The gross dollar volume(GDV) of purchases in Asia Pacific / Middle East / Africa for all MasterCard-branded cards (excluding Cirrus and Maestro) and for both MasterCard credit and charge card programs and MasterCard debit programs for the year ended December 31, 2013 is USD$1,155 billion. This is a significant increase of 17.74% or USD$174 billion over the prior year.

MasterCard Debit and Credit Cards in Asia Pacific 2011-2012

As of 31st December 2012, MasterCard’s customers had issued 1.131 billion MasterCard cards worldwide, an increase of 9.38% percent over the cards issued at December 31, 2011. MasterCard cardholders can use their cards at more than 35.9 million acceptance locations around the world.
The number of MasterCard holders in Asia Pacific / Middle East / Africa stood at 367 million as at 31st December 2012, an increase of 14.33% or 46 milion compares to 321 million to the same period in 2011.

The gross dollar volume(GDV) of purchases in Asia Pacific / Middle East / Africa for all MasterCard-branded cards (excluding Cirrus and Maestro) and for both MasterCard credit and charge card programs and MasterCard debit programs for the year ended December 31, 2012 is USD$981 billion. This is a significant increase of 21.56% or USD$174 billion over the prior year.


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