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Bank cards in Vietnam
As at 30th September 2021, there are 121 millions bank cards(100 millions domestic cards and 21 millions international cards) in Vietnam, an increase of 3 millions or 2.54% in 3 months period, compares to 118 millions as at 30th June 2021.

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Quarterly Statistics Bank Cards in Vietnam 2021

As at 31st March 2021, there are 114 millions bank cards(96 millions domestic cards and 18 millions international cards) in Vietnam, an increase of 3 millions or 2.70% in 3 months period, compares to 111 millions as at 31st December 2020. As at 31st March 2021, there are 271,727 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, a decrease of 4,546 terminals or 1.65% in 3 months period, compares to 276,273 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 31st December 2020. For the 1st Quarter 2021, a total of 103,428,204 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 21,891,576 or 26.85% compares to the same quarter a year ago), generating VND179,466 billions in value(an increase of VND31,047 billions or 20.92% compares to the same quarter a year ago).

As at 30th June 2021, there are 118 millions bank cards(98 millions domestic cards and 20 millions international cards) in Vietnam, an increase of 4 millions or 3.51% in 3 months period, compares to 114 millions as at 31st March 2021. As at 30th June 2021, there are 274,940 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, an increase of 3,213 terminals or 1.18% in 3 months period, compares to 271,727 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 31st March 2021. For the 2nd Quarter 2021, a total of 106,854,078 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 34,091,655 or 46.85% compares to the same quarter a year ago), generating VND173,254 billions in value(an increase of VND44,926 billions or 35.01% compares to the same quarter a year ago). As at 30th June 2021, the number of bank cards increase by 7.00 millions or 6.31% in 6 months period, compares to 111 millions as at 31st December 2020. For the 6 months ended 30th June 2021, a total of 210,282,282 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, generating VND352,720 billions in value.

As at 30th September 2021, there are 297,995 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, an increase of 23,055 terminals or 8.39% in 3 months period, compares to 274,940 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 30th June 2021. For the 3rd Quarter 2021, a total of 81,949,750 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(a decrease of 14,646,955 or 15.16% compares to the same quarter a year ago), generating VND139,126 billions in value(a decrease of VND19,615 billions or 12.36% compares to the same quarter a year ago). As at 30th September 2021, the number of bank cards increase by 10.00 millions or 9.01% in 9 months period, compares to 111 millions as at 31st December 2020. For the 9 months ended 30th September 2021, a total of 292,232,032 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, generating VND491,846 billions in value.

Bank cards in Vietnam 2019-2020

As at 31st December 2020, there are 111 millions bank cards in Vietnam, an increase of 12 millions or 12.12% compares to 99 millions as at 31st December 2019. As at 31st December 2020, there are 276,273 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, an increase of 1,481 terminals or 0.53% compares to 277,754 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 31st December 2019. In 2020, a total of 362,222,382 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 51,867,742 or 16.71% compares to a year ago), generating VND619,189 billions in value(an increase of VND14,539 billions or 2.40% compares to a year ago).

Notes: The number of bank cards issued has been collected in total rather than categorized by various types of cards since 1st Quarter, 2015.

Quarterly Statistics Bank Cards in Vietnam 2020

As at 31st March 2020, there are 103.13 millions bank cards(87.78 millions domestic cards and 15.35 millions international cards) in Vietnam, an increase of 4.13 millions or 4.17% in 3 months period, compares to 99 millions as at 31st December 2019. As at 31st March 2020, there are 256,714 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, a decrease of 21,040 terminals or 7.58% in 3 months period, compares to 277,754 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 31st December 2019. For the 1st Quarter 2020, a total of 81,536,628 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 25,778,856 or 46.23% compares to the same quarter a year ago), generating VND148,419 billions in value(an increase of VND15,497 billions or 11.66% compares to the same quarter a year ago).

As at 30th June 2020, there are 106.31 millions bank cards(90.69 millions domestic cards and 15.62 millions international cards) in Vietnam, an increase of 3.18 millions or 3.08% in 3 months period, compares to 103.13 millions as at 31st March 2020. As at 30th June 2020, there are 266,308 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, an increase of 9,594 terminals or 3.74% in 3 months period, compares to 256,714 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 31st March 2020. For the 2nd Quarter 2020, a total of 72,762,423 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 748,221 or 1.04% compares to the same quarter a year ago), generating VND128,328 billions in value(a decrease of VND17,011 billions or 11.70% compares to the same quarter a year ago). As at 30th June 2020, the number of bank cards increase by 7.31 millions or 7.38% in 6 months period, compares to 99 millions as at 31st December 2019. For the 6 months ended 30th June 2020, a total of 154,299,051 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, generating VND276,747 billions in value.

As at 30th September 2020, there are 110.24 millions bank cards(93.78 millions domestic cards and 16.46 millions international cards) in Vietnam, an increase of 3.93 millions or 3.70% in 3 months period, compares to 106.31 millions as at 30th June 2020. As at 30th September 2020, there are 280,418 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, an increase of 14,110 terminals or 5.30% in 3 months period, compares to 266,308 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 30th June 2020. For the 3rd Quarter 2020, a total of 96,596,705 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 9,469,629 or 10.87% compares to the same quarter a year ago), generating VND158,741 billions in value(an increase of VND258 billions or 0.16% compares to the same quarter a year ago). As at 30th September 2020, the number of bank cards increase by 11.24 millions or 11.35% in 9 months period, compares to 99 millions as at 31st December 2019. For the 9 months ended 30th September 2020, a total of 250,895,756 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, generating VND435,488 billions in value.

As at 31st December 2020, there are 111 millions bank cards(94 millions domestic cards and 17 millions international cards) in Vietnam, an increase of 0.76 millions or 0.69% in 3 months period, compares to 110.24 millions as at 30th September 2020. As at 31st December 2020, there are 276,273 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, a decrease of 4,145 terminals or 1.48% in 3 months period, compares to 280,418 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 30th September 2020. For the 4th Quarter 2020, a total of 111,326,626 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 15,871,036 or 16.63% compares to the same quarter a year ago), generating VND183,701 billions in value(an increase of VND15,795 billions or 9.41% compares to the same quarter a year ago). As at 31st December 2020, the number of bank cards increase by 12 millions or 12.12% in 12 months period, compares to 99 millions as at 31st December 2019. For the 12 months ended 31st December 2020, a total of 362,222,382 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, generating VND619,189 billions in value.

Bank cards in Vietnam 2018-2019

As at 31st December 2019, there are 99 millions bank cards in Vietnam, a decrease of 54 millions or 35.29% compares to 153 millions as at 31st December 2018. As at 31st December 2019, there are 277,754 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, an increase of 34,631 terminals or 14.24% compares to 243,123 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 31st December 2018. In 2019, a total of 310,354,640 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 102,159,242 or 49.07% compares to a year ago), generating VND604,650 billions in value(an increase of VND157,592 billions or 35.25% compares to a year ago).

Notes: The number of bank cards issued has been collected in total rather than categorized by various types of cards since 1st Quarter, 2015.

Quarterly Statistics Bank Cards in Vietnam 2019

As at 31st March 2019, there are 158 millions bank cards in Vietnam, an increase of 5 millions or 3.27% in 3 months period, compares to 153 millions as at 31st December 2018. As at 31st March 2019, there are 261,705 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, an increase of 18,582 terminals or 7.64% in 3 months period, compares to 243,123 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 31st December 2018. For the 1st Quarter 2019, a total of 55,757,772 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 11,447,370 or 25.83% compares to the same quarter a year ago), generating VND132,922 billions in value(an increase of VND33,529 billions or 33.73% compares to the same quarter a year ago).

As at 30th June 2019, there are 164 millions bank cards in Vietnam, an increase of 6 millions or 3.80% in 3 months period, compares to 158 millions as at 31st March 2019. As at 30th June 2019, there are 259,889 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, a decrease of 1,816 terminals or 0.69% in 3 months period, compares to 261,705 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 31st March 2019. For the 2nd Quarter 2019, a total of 72,014,202 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 22,102,127 or 44.28% compares to the same quarter a year ago), generating VND145,339 billions in value(an increase of VND40,666 billions or 38.85% compares to the same quarter a year ago). As at 30th June 2019, the number of bank cards increase by 11 millions or 7.19% in 6 months period, compares to 153 millions as at 31st December 2018. For the 6 months ended 30th June 2019, a total of 127,771,974 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, generating VND278,261 billions in value.

As at 30th September 2019, there are 171.3 millions bank cards in Vietnam, an increase of 7.3 millions or 4.45% in 3 months period, compares to 164 millions as at 30th June 2019. As at 30th September 2019, there are 275,660 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam ,an increase of 15,771 terminals or 6.07% in 3 months period, compares to 259,889 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 30th June 2019. For the 3rd Quarter 2019, a total of 87,127,076 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 31,672,508 or 57.11% compares to the same quarter a year ago), generating VND158,483 billions in value(an increase of VND40,596 billions or 34.44% compares to the same quarter a year ago). As at 30th September 2019, the number of bank cards increase by 18.3 millions or 11.96% in 9 months period, compares to 153 millions as at 31st December 2018. For the 9 months ended 30th September 2019, a total of 214,899,050 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, generating VND436,744 billions in value.

As at 31st December 2019, there are 99 millions bank cards in Vietnam, a decrease of 72.3 millions or 42.21% in 3 months period, compares to 171.3 millions as at 30th September 2019. As at 31st December 2019, there are 277,754 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, an increase of 2,094 terminals or 0.76% in 3 months period, compares to 275,660 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 30th September 2019. For the 4th Quarter 2019, a total of 95,455,590 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 36,937,237 or 63.12% compares to the same quarter a year ago), generating VND167,906 billions in value(an increase of VND42,801 billions or 34.21% compares to the same quarter a year ago). As at 31st December 2019, the number of bank cards decrease by 54 millions or 35.29% in 12 months period, compares to 153 millions as at 31st December 2019. For the 12 months ended 31st December 2019, a total of 310,354,640 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, generating VND604,650 billions in value.

Bank cards in Vietnam 2017-2018

As at 31st December 2018, there are 153 millions bank cards in Vietnam, an increase of 21 millions or 15.91% compares to 132 millions as at 31st December 2017. As at 31st December 2018, there are 243,123 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, a decrease of 25,690 terminals or 9.56% compares to 268,813 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 31st December 2017. In 2018, a total of 208,195,398 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 57,064,584 or 37.76% compares to a year ago), generating VND447,058 billions in value(an increase of VND94,711 billions or 26.88% compares to a year ago).

Notes: The number of bank cards issued has been collected in total rather than categorized by various types of cards since 1st Quarter, 2015.

Quarterly Statistics Bank Cards in Vietnam 2018

As at 31st March 2018, there are 136 millions bank cards in Vietnam, an increase of 4 millions or 3.03% in 3 months period, compares to 132 millions as at 31st December 2017. As at 31st March 2018, there are 278,768 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, an increase of 9,955 terminals or 3.70% in 3 months period, compares to 268,813 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 31st December 2017. For the 1st Quarter 2018, a total of 44,310,402 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 12,376,310 or 38.76% compares to the same quarter a year ago), generating VND99,393 billions in value(an increase of VND16,497 billions or 19.90% compares to the same quarter a year ago).

As at 30th June 2018, there are 141.59 millions bank cards in Vietnam, an increase of 5.59 millions or 4.11% in 3 months period, compares to 136 millions as at 31st March 2018. As at 30th June 2018, there are 289,075 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, an increase of 10,307 terminals or 3.70% in 3 months period, compares to 278,768 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 31st March 2018. For the 2nd Quarter 2018, a total of 49,912,075 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 13,743,280 or 38.00% compares to the same quarter a year ago), generating VND104,673 billions in value(an increase of VND14,375 billions or 15.92% compares to the same quarter a year ago). As at 30th June 2018, the number of bank cards increase by 9.59 millions or 7.27% in 6 months period, compares to 132 millions as at 31st December 2017. For the 6 months ended 30th June 2018, a total of 94,222,477 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, generating VND204,066 billions in value.

As at 30th September 2018, there are 147.3 millions bank cards in Vietnam, an increase of 5.71 millions or 4.03% in 3 months period, compares to 141.59 millions as at 30th June 2018. As at 30th September 2018, there are 294,503 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, an increase of 5,428 terminals or 1.88% in 3 months period, compares to 289,075 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 30th June 2018. For the 3rd Quarter 2018, a total of 55,454,568 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 15,961,863 or 40.42% compares to the same quarter a year ago), generating VND117,887 billions in value(an increase of VND33,788 billions or 40.18% compares to the same quarter a year ago). As at 30th September 2018, the number of bank cards increase by 15.3 millions or 11.59% in 9 months period, compares to 132 millions as at 31st December 2017. For the 9 months ended 30th September 2018, a total of 149,677,045 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, generating VND321,953 billions in value.

As at 31st December 2018, there are 153 millions bank cards in Vietnam, an increase of 5.7 millions or 3.87% in 3 months period, compares to 147.3 millions as at 30th September 2018. As at 31st December 2018, there are 243,123 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, a decrease of 51,380 terminals or 17.45% in 3 months period, compares to 294,503 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 30th September 2018. For the 4th Quarter 2018, a total of 58,518,353 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 14,983,131 or 34.42% compares to the same quarter a year ago), generating VND125,105 billions in value(an increase of VND30,051 billions or 31.61% compares to the same quarter a year ago). As at 31st December 2018, the number of bank cards increase by 21 millions or 15.91% in 12 months period, compares to 132 millions as at 31st December 2017. For the 12 months ended 31st December 2018, a total of 208,195,398 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, generating VND447,058 billions in value.

Quarterly Statistics Bank Cards in Vietnam 2017

As at 31st March 2017, there are 116 millions bank cards in Vietnam, an increase of 5 millions or 4.50% in 3 months period, compares to 111 millions as at 31st December 2016. As at 31st March 2017, there are 243,589 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, a decrease of 19,838 terminals or 7.53% in 3 months period, compares to 263,427 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 31st December 2016. For the 1st Quarter 2017, a total of 31,934,092 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 12,752,425 or 66.48% compares to the same quarter a year ago), generating VND82,896 billions in value(an increase of VND24,600 billions or 42.20% compares to the same quarter a year ago).

As at 30th June 2017, there are 121 millions bank cards in Vietnam, an increase of 5 millions or 4.31% in 3 months period, compares to 116 millions as at 31st March 2017. As at 30th June 2017, there are 253,031 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, an increase of 9,442 terminals or 3.88% in 3 months period, compares to 243,589 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 31st March 2017. For the 2nd Quarter 2017, a total of 36,168,795 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 14,376,620 or 65.97% compares to the same quarter a year ago), generating VND90,298 billions in value(an increase of VND29,731 billions or 49.09% compares to the same quarter a year ago). As at 30th June 2017, the number of bank cards increase by 10 millions or 9.01% in 6 months period, compares to 111 millions as at 31st December 2016. For the 6 months ended 30th June 2017, a total of 68,102,887 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, generating VND173,194 billions in value.

As at 30th September 2017, there are 127 millions bank cards in Vietnam, an increase of 6 millions or 4.96% in 3 months period, compares to 121 millions as at 30th June 2017. As at 30th September 2017, there are 260,187 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, an increase of 7,156 terminals or 2.83% in 3 months period, compares to 253,031 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 30th June 2017. For the 3rd Quarter 2017, a total of 39,492,705 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 13,897,163 or 54.30% compares to the same quarter a year ago), generating VND84,099 billions in value(an increase of VND23,125 billions or 37.93% compares to the same quarter a year ago). As at 30th September 2017, the number of bank cards increase by 16 millions or 14.41% in 9 months period, compares to 111 millions as at 31st December 2016. For the 9 months ended 30th September 2017, a total of 107,595,592 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, generating VND257,293 billions in value.

As at 31st December 2017, there are 132 millions bank cards in Vietnam, an increase of 5 millions or 3.94% in 3 months period, compares to 127 millions as at 30th September 2017. As at 31st December 2017, there are 268,813 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, an increase of 8,626 terminals or 3.32% in 3 months period, compares to 260,187 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 30th September 2017. For the 4th Quarter 2017, a total of 43,535,222 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 12,618,528 or 40.81% compares to the same quarter a year ago), generating VND95,054 billions in value(an increase of VND24,882 billions or 35.46% compares to the same quarter a year ago). As at 31st December 2017, the number of bank cards increase by 21 millions or 18.92% in 12 months period, compares to 111 millions as at 31st December 2016. For the 12 months ended 31st December 2017, a total of 151,130,814 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, generating VND352,347 billions in value.

Bank cards in Vietnam 2016-2017

As at 31st December 2017, there are 132 millions bank cards in Vietnam, an increase of 21 millions or 18.92% compares to 111 millions as at 31st December 2016. As at 31st December 2017, there are 268,813 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, an increase of 5,386 terminals or 2.04% compares to 263,427 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 31st December 2016. In 2017, a total of 151,130,814 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 53,644,736 or 55.03% compares to a year ago), generating VND352,347 billions in value(an increase of VND102,338 billions or 40.93% compares to a year ago).

Notes: The number of bank cards issued has been collected in total rather than categorized by various types of cards since 1st Quarter, 2015.

Bank cards in Vietnam 2015-2016

As at 31st December 2016, there are 111 millions bank cards in Vietnam, an increase of 11.48 millions or 11.54% compares to 99.52 millions as at 31st December 2015. As at 31st December 2016, there are 263,427 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, an increase of 40,046 terminals or 17.93% compares to 223,381 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 31st December 2015. In 2016, a total of 97,486,078 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 41,522,759 or 74.20% compares to a year ago), generating VND250,009 billions in value(an increase of VND57,835 billions or 30.10% compares to a year ago).

Notes: The number of bank cards issued has been collected in total rather than categorized by various types of cards since 1st Quarter, 2015.

Quarterly Statistics Bank Cards in Vietnam 2016

As at 31st March 2016, there are 101.94 millions bank cards in Vietnam, an increase of 2.42 millions or 2.43% in 3 months period, compares to 99.52 millions as at 31st December 2015. As at 31st March 2016, there are 230,715 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, an increase of 7,334 terminals or 3.28% in 3 months period, compares to 223,381 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 31st December 2015. For the 1st Quarter 2016, a total of 19,181,667 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 7,408,834 or 62.93% compares to the same quarter a year ago), generating VND58,296 billions in value(an increase of VND13,683 billions or 30.67% compares to the same quarter a year ago).

As at 30th June 2016, there are 106.03 millions bank cards in Vietnam, an increase of 4.09 millions or 4.01% in 3 months period, compares to 101.94 millions as at 31st March 2016. As at 30th June 2016, there are 239,221 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, an increase of 8,506 terminals or 3.69% in 3 months period, compares to 230,715 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 31st March 2016. For the 2nd Quarter 2016, a total of 21,792,175 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 9,052,274 or 71.05% compares to the same quarter a year ago), generating VND60,567 billions in value(an increase of VND15,414 billions or 34.14% compares to the same quarter a year ago). As at 30th June 2016, the number of bank cards increase by 6.51 millions or 6.54% in 6 months period, compares to 99.52 millions as at 31st December 2015. For the 6 months ended 30th June 2016, a total of 40,973,842 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, generating VND118,863 billions in value.

As at 30th September 2016, there are 109.97 millions bank cards in Vietnam, an increase of 3.94 millions or 3.72% in 3 months period, compares to 106.03 millions as at 30th June 2016. As at 30th September 2016, there are 250,455 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, an increase of 11,234 terminals or 4.70% in 3 months period, compares to 239,221 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 30th June 2016. For the 3rd Quarter 2016, a total of 25,595,542 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 11,475,031 or 81.26% compares to the same quarter a year ago), generating VND60,974 billions in value(an increase of VND13,196 billions or 27.62% compares to the same quarter a year ago). As at 30th September 2016, the number of bank cards increase by 10.45 millions or 10.50% in 9 months period, compares to 99.52 millions as at 31st December 2015. For the 9 months ended 30th September 2016, a total of 66,569,384 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, generating VND179,837 billions in value.

As at 31st December 2016, there are 111 millions bank cards in Vietnam, an increase of 1.03 millions or 0.94% in 3 months period, compares to 109.97 millions as at 30th September 2016. As at 31st December 2016, there are 263,427 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, an increase of 12,972 terminals or 5.18% in 3 months period, compares to 250,455 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 30th September 2016. For the 4th Quarter 2016, a total of 30,916,694 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 5,321,152 or 20.79% compares to the same quarter a year ago), generating VND70,172 billions in value(an increase of VND9,198 billions or 15.09% compares to the same quarter a year ago). As at 31st December 2016, the number of bank cards increase by 11.48 millions or 11.54% in 12 months period, compares to 99.52 millions as at 31st December 2015. For the 12 months ended 31st December 2016, a total of 97,486,078 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, generating VND250,009 billions in value.

Bank cards in Vietnam 2014-2015

As at 31st December 2015, there are 99.52 millions bank cards in Vietnam, an increase of 19.13 millions or 32.80% compares to 80.39 millions as at 31st December 2014. As at 31st December 2015, there are 223,381 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, an increase of 51,345 terminals or 29.85% compares to 172,036 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 31st December 2014. In 2015, a total of 55,963,319 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 23,015,324 or 69.85% compares to a year ago), generating VND192,174 billions in value(an increase of VND32,557 billions or 20.40% compares to a year ago).

Notes: The number of bank cards issued has been collected in total rather than categorized by various types of cards since 1st Quarter, 2015.

Credit cards in Vietnam 2013-2014

As at 31st December 2014, there are 3.29 millions credit cards in Vietnam, an increase of 0.86 millions or 35.39% compares to 2.43 millions as at 31st December 2013. There are 3.51 millions prepaid cards as at 31st December 2014, an increase of 0.84 millions or 31.46% compares to 2.67 millions as at 31st December 2013. Debit cards increase by 12.48 millions or 20.42% to 73.59 millions at the end of December 2014, compares to 61.11 millions at the same period a year ago.

Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
As at 31st December 2014, there are 172,036 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, an increase of 42,383 terminals or 32.69% compares to 129,653 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals as at 31st December 2013. In 2014, a total of 32,947,995 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam(an increase of 8,645,724 or 35.58% compares to a year ago), generating VND159,617 billions in value(an increase of VND31,877 billions or 24.95% compares to a year ago).

Credit cards in Vietnam 2013-2014

As at 31st December 2013, there are 2.43 millions credit cards in Vietnam, an increase of 0.81 millions or 50% compares to 1.62 millions as at 31st December 2012. There are 2.67 millions prepaid cards as at 31st December 2014, an increase of 0.89 millions or 50% compares to 1.78 millions as at 31st December 2012. Debit cards increase by 10.22 millions or 20.08% to 61.11 millions at the end of December 2013, compares to 50.89 millions at the same period a year ago.

Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
As at 31st December 2013, there are 129,653 POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam. In 2013, a total of 24,302,271 transactions recorded at POS/EFTPOS/EDC terminals in Vietnam, generating VND127,740 billions in value.

Credit cards in Vietnam

The card market in Vietnam can be categorised into domestic cards and international cards. As of end December 2008, there were 14 million bank cards issued in Vietnam(an increase of 36% against end 2007) under 160 brand names of 40 card issuers, with over 7,600 ATMs and nearly 25,000 POS/EDCs being installed to serve payment operations. The number of domestic cards, including credit and debit cards, accounts for 93% of the figure. Vietnam had around 10 million domestic bank card holders till 2007. The number of international cards(issued by 16 out of the 40 issuers) also surged to over one million last year, from 420,000 cards by the end of 2007.
Nearly VND250 trillion has been transacted via domestic cards till the end of 2008, increasing by 200% year-on-year, while over US$1 billion has been paid through international cards.
On January 2010, over one million Visa cards have been issued in Vietnam. There are 13 banks issuing Visa Debit, Visa Credit and Visa Prepaid cards as well as Visa Prepaid Gift cards in Vietnam. From the small base of 100,000 in 2005, the number of Visa cards issued in Vietnam had experienced a 900% increase over the five years.


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