As at 31st March 2019, there are 283.94 millions credit cards in Japan(2.25 cards per capita), an increase of 5.67 millions or 2.04% compares to 278.27 millions in the same period in 2018.
The total credit card transactions in Japan for 12 months ended 31st December 2019 amounted to JPY73.43 trillions in value, an increase of JPY6.74 trillions or 10.11% compares to JPY66.69 trillions in 2018.
For 12 months ended 31st December 2019, the total credit cards fraud increased by JPY38.7 billions or 16.44% to JPY274.1 billions compares to JPY235.4 billions in 2018.
JPY17.8 billions losses incurred due to counterfeit card, JPY222.9 billions losses incurred due to card theft/fraudulent transactions, while JPY33.4 billions losses due to other reasons.
The JPY17.8 billions counterfeit card losses can be divided into JPY6.4 billions or 36.0% occurred locally in Japan and JPY11.4 billions in overseas. Whereas
the JPY222.9 billions card theft/fraudulent transactions losses can be divided into JPY152.9 billions or 68.6% occurred locally in Japan and JPY70.0 billions in overseas.
Credit cards in Japan 2017-2018
As at 31st March 2018, there are 278.27 millions credit cards in Japan(2.20 cards per capita), an increase of 6.26 millions or 2.30% compares to 272.01 millions in the same period in 2017.
The total credit card transactions in Japan for 12 months ended 31st December 2018 amounted to JPY66.69 trillions in value, an increase of JPY8.32 trillions or 14.25% compares to JPY58.37 trillions in 2017.
For 12 months ended 31st December 2018, the total credit cards fraud decreased by JPY1.0 billions or 0.42% to JPY235.4 billions compares to JPY236.4 billions in 2017.
JPY16.0 billions losses incurred due to counterfeit card, JPY187.6 billions losses incurred due to card theft/fraudulent transactions, while JPY31.8 billions losses due to other reasons.
The JPY16.0 billions counterfeit card losses can be divided into JPY7.4 billions or 46.3% occurred locally in Japan and JPY8.6 billions in overseas. Whereas
the JPY187.6 billions card theft/fraudulent transactions losses can be divided into JPY125.2 billions or 66.7% occurred locally in Japan and JPY62.4 billions in overseas.
Credit cards in Japan 2016-2017
As at 31st March 2017, there are 272.01 millions credit cards in Japan(2.19 cards per capita), an increase of 6.01 millions or 2.26% compares to 266.00 millions in the same period in 2016.
The total credit card transactions in Japan for 12 months ended 31st December 2017 amounted to JPY58.37 trillions in value, an increase of JPY4.44 trillions or 8.23% compares to JPY53.93 trillions in 2016.
For 12 months ended 31st December 2017, the total credit cards fraud increased by JPY94.4 billions or 66.48% to JPY236.4 billions compares to JPY142.0 billions in 2016.
JPY31.7 billions losses incurred due to counterfeit card, JPY176.7 billions losses incurred due to card theft/fraudulent transactions, while JPY28.0 billions losses due to other reasons.
The JPY31.7 billions counterfeit card losses can be divided into JPY12.8 billions or 40.4% occurred locally in Japan and JPY18.9 billions in overseas. Whereas
the JPY176.7 billions card theft/fraudulent transactions losses can be divided into JPY108.0 billions or 61.1% occurred locally in Japan and JPY68.7 billions in overseas.
Credit cards in Japan 2015-2016
As at 31st March 2016, there are 266.00 millions credit cards in Japan(2.09 cards per capita), an increase of 7.10 millions or 2.74% compares to 258.90 millions in the same period in 2015.
The total credit card transactions in Japan for 12 months ended 31st December 2016 amounted to JPY53.93 trillions in value, an increase of JPY4.10 trillions or 8.23% compares to JPY49.83 trillions in 2015.
For 12 months ended 31st December 2016, the total credit cards fraud increased by JPY21.1 billions or 17.45% to JPY142.0 billions compares to JPY120.0 billions in 2015.
JPY30.6 billions losses incurred due to counterfeit card, JPY88.9 billions losses incurred due to card theft/fraudulent transactions, while JPY22.5 billions losses due to other reasons.
The JPY30.6 billions counterfeit card losses can be divided into JPY10.5 billions or 34.3% occurred locally in Japan and JPY20.0 billions in overseas. Whereas
the JPY88.9 billions card theft/fraudulent transactions losses can be divided into JPY54.6 billions or 61.4% occurred locally in Japan and JPY34.3 billions in overseas.
Credit cards in Japan 2014-2015
As at 31st March 2015, there are 258.90 millions credit cards in Japan(1.99 cards per capita), a decrease of 8.32 millions or 3.11% compares to 267.22 millions in the same period in 2014.
The total credit card transactions in Japan for 12 months ended 31st December 2015 amounted to JPY49.83 trillions in value, an increase of JPY3.56 trillions or 7.69% compares to JPY46.27 trillions in 2014.
For 12 months ended 31st December 2015, the total credit cards fraud increased by JPY6.4 billions or 5.59% to JPY120.9 billions compares to JPY114.5 billions in 2014.
JPY23.1 billions losses incurred due to counterfeit card, JPY72.2 billions losses incurred due to card theft/fraudulent transactions, while JPY25.6 billions losses due to other reasons.
The JPY23.1 billions counterfeit card losses can be divided into JPY5.6 billions or 24.2% occurred locally in Japan and JPY17.5 billions in overseas. Whereas
the JPY72.2 billions card theft/fraudulent transactions losses can be divided into JPY45.7 billions or 63.3% occurred locally in Japan and JPY26.5 billions in overseas.
Credit cards in Japan 2013-2014
As at 31st March 2014, there are 267.22 millions credit cards in Japan(2.10 cards per capita), an increase of 7.43 millions or 2.86% compares to 259.79 millions in the same period in 2013.
The total credit card transactions in Japan for 12 months ended 31st December 2014 amounted to JPY46.27 trillions in value, an increase of JPY4.48 trillions or 10.72% compares to JPY41.79 trillions in 2013.
For 12 months ended 31st December 2014, the total credit cards fraud increased significantly by JPY35.9 billions or 45.67% to JPY114.5 billions compares to JPY78.6 billions in 2013.
JPY19.5 billions losses incurred due to counterfeit card, JPY67.3 billions losses incurred due to card theft/fraudulent transactions, while JPY27.7 billions losses due to other reasons.
The JPY19.5 billions counterfeit card losses can be divided into JPY4.5 billions or 23.1% occurred locally in Japan and JPY15.0 billions in overseas. Whereas
the JPY67.3 billions card theft/fraudulent transactions losses can be divided into JPY42.0 billions or 62.4% occurred locally in Japan and JPY25.3 billions in overseas.
Credit cards in Japan 2012-2013
As at 31st March 2013, there are 259.79 millions credit cards in Japan(2.04 cards per capita), a decrease of 0.48 millions or 0.18% compares to 260.27 millions in the same period in 2012.
The total credit card transactions in Japan for 12 months ended 31st December 2013 amounted to JPY41.79 trillions in value an increase of JPY1.10 trillions or 2.70% compares to JPY40.69 trillions in 2012.
For 12 months ended 31st December 2013, the total credit cards fraud increased by JPY10.5 billions or 15.42% to JPY78.6 billions compares to JPY68.1 billions in 2012.
JPY18.4 billions losses incurred due to counterfeit card, while JPY52.8 billions losses due to other reasons.
The JPY18.4 billions counterfeit card losses can be divided into JPY15.0 billions or 58.1% occurred locally in Japan and JPY10.8 billions in overseas.
Credit cards in Japan 2011-2012
As at 31st March 2012, there are 260.27 millions credit cards in Japan(2.04 cards per capita), a decrease of 10.41 millions or 3.85% compares to 270.68 millions in the same period in 2011.
The total credit card transactions in Japan for 12 months ended 31st December 2012 amounted to JPY40.69 trillions in value an increase of JPY2.92 trillions or 7.73% compares to JPY37.77 trillions in 2011.
For 12 months ended 31st December 2012, the total credit cards fraud decreased by JPY10.0 billions or 12.80% to JPY68.1 billions compares to JPY78.1 billions in 2011.
JPY24.1 billions losses incurred due to counterfeit card, while JPY44.0 billions losses due to other reasons.
The JPY24.1 billions counterfeit card losses can be divided into JPY14.9 billions or 61.8% occurred locally in Japan and JPY9.2 billions in overseas.
Credit cards in Japan 2010-2011
As at 31st March 2011, there are 270.68 millions credit cards in Japan(2.12 cards per capita), a decrease of 3.37 millions or 1.23% compares to 274.05 millions in the same period in 2010.
The total credit card transactions in Japan for 12 months ended 31st December 2011 amounted to JPY37.77 trillions in value an increase of JPY1.79 trillions or 4.97% compares to JPY35.98 trillions in 2010.
For 12 months ended 31st December 2011, the total credit cards fraud decreased by JPY14.0 billions or 15.20% to JPY78.1 billions compares to JPY92.1 billions in 2010.
JPY25.8 billions losses incurred due to counterfeit card, while JPY52.3 billions losses due to other reasons.
The JPY25.8 billions counterfeit card losses can be divided into JPY18.5 billions or 71.7% occurred locally in Japan and JPY7.3 billions in overseas.
Credit cards in Japan 2009-2010
As at 31st March 2010, there are 274.05 millions credit cards in Japan(2.15 cards per capita), an increase of 1.44 millions or 0.53% compares to 272.61 millions in the same period in 2009.
The total credit card transactions in Japan for 12 months ended 31st December 2010 amounted to JPY35.98 trillions in value an increase of JPY2.49 trillions or 7.44% compares to JPY33.49 trillions in 2009.
For 12 months ended 31st December 2010, the total credit cards fraud decreased by JPY9.5 billions or 9.35% to JPY92.1 billions compares to JPY101.6 billions in 2009.
JPY41.3 billions losses incurred due to counterfeit card, while JPY50.8 billions losses due to other reasons.
The JPY41.3 billions counterfeit card losses can be divided into JPY28.7 billions or 69.5% occurred locally in Japan and JPY12.6 billions in overseas.
Credit cards in Japan 2008-2009
As at 31st March 2009, there are 272.61 millions credit cards in Japan(2.15 cards per capita), an increase of 7.82 millions or 2.95% compares to 264.79 millions in the same period in 2008.
The total credit card transactions in Japan for 12 months ended 31st December 2009 amounted to JPY33.49 trillions in value an increase of JPY0.02 trillions or 0.06% compares to JPY33.47 trillions in 2008.
For 12 months ended 31st December 2009, the total credit cards fraud decreased by JPY2.5 billions or 2.40% to JPY101.6 billions compares to JPY104.1 billions in 2008.
JPY49.2 billions losses incurred due to counterfeit card, while JPY52.4 billions losses due to other reasons.
The JPY49.2 billions counterfeit card losses can be divided into JPY32.6 billions or 66.3% occurred locally in Japan and JPY16.6 billions in overseas.