Credit cards in Hong Kong 2015-2016
As of 2016, Hong Kong has a population of 7,377,100 with a GDP(gross domestic product) of HKD$2,490.703 billions. This
translates into HKD$337,626 of GDP per capita.
As at 31st December 2016, there are 19,184,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong(2.60 cards per capita), an increase of 140,000 or 0.74% compares to 19,044,000 cards in the same period 2015.
Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
In 2016, there are 563,940,000 credit card transactions recorded(76.44 card transactions per capita), an increase of 42,963,000 or 8.25% compares to 520,977,000 transactions in 2015.
The 563,940,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$611.992 billions(HKD$82,958 per capita), an increase of HKD$16.587 billions or 2.79% compares to HKD$595.405 billions in 2015.
The 563,940,000 credit card transactions can be broken down into:-
- 556,390,000 retail spending transactions, an increase of 40,511,000 of 7.85% compares to 515,879,000 retail spending transactions in 2015.
Local retail spending made up 84.32% or 469,159,000 transactions, an increase of 24,862,000 or 5.60% compares to 444,297,000 transactions in 2015.
While overseas retail spending made up 15.68% or 87,230,000 transactions, an increase of 15,648,000 or 21.86% compares to 71,582,000 transactions in 2015.
- 7,550,000 cash advance transactions, an increase of 2,450,000 of 48.04% compares to 5,100,000 cash advance transactions in 2015.
The HKD$611.992 billions credit card transactions can be broken down into:-
- HKD$570.121 billions retail spending, an increase of HKD$12.45 billions of 2.23% compares to HKD$557.671 billions in 2015.
This translates into HKD$1,025 per credit card payment transaction in 2016, a decrease compares to HKD$1,081 in 2015.
Local retail spending made up 83.21% or HKD$474.422 billions, an increase of HKD$10.249 billions or 2.21% compares to HKD$464.173 billions in 2015.
This translates into HKD$1,011 per credit card payment transaction locally in 2016, a decrease compares to HKD$1,045 in 2015.
While overseas retail spending made up 16.79% or HKD$95.699 billions, an increase of HKD$2.202 billions or 2.36% compares to HKD$93.497 billions in 2015.
This translates into HKD$1,097 per credit card payment transaction overseas in 2016, a decrease compares to HKD$1,306 in 2015.
- HKD$41.871 billions cash advance, an increase of HKD$4.137 billions of 10.96% compares to HKD$37.734 billions in 2015.
Credit Card Lending 2016
As at 31st December 2016, there are 16,607,000 credit card accounts in Hong Kong, a decrease of 501,000 or 2.93% compares to 17,108,000 in the same period 2015.
As at 31st December 2016, the total amount of credit card receivables(overdue when a payment is past due at the last day of the reporting month) is HKD$128,186 millions,
an increase of HKD$2,575 millions or 2.05% compares to HKD$125,611 millions a year ago. Total card receivables increased by 8.51% (or HKD$10,055 billion) in the fourth quarter
of 2016. The increase was largely due to festive spending around the year end and the payment of salaries tax using credit cards.
As at 31st December 2016, the delinquent amount(the amount of credit card receivables overdue for more than 90 days) is HKD$313 millions. While the rollover amount(the amount
outstanding at the previous statement date less any amount paid between the previous statement date and the current statement date) is HKD$22,734 millions. The delinquent amount
at the end of 2015 is HKD$314 millions with a rollover amount of HKD$20,788 millions. Overall, rollover amount increased by 9.36% and delinquent amount decreased by 0.32% at the end of 2016
when compares to the same period in 2015. The charge-off amount(total amount of credit card receivables written off - normally for an account that has been overdue
for more than 180 days) has increase from HKD$2,272 million for 12 months ended 2015 to HKD$2,430 million for 12 months ended 2016, showing a 6.95% increase in charge-off
amount in the 12 months period.
Quarterly Credit Cards Statistics in Hong Kong 2016
As at 31st March 2016, there are 18,547,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong, a decrease of 497,000 or 2.61% compares to 19,044,000 as at 31st December 2015.
A total of 131,290,000 credit card transactions recorded for Quarter 1, 2016(3.02% lower compares to previous quarter and 4.86% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); which made up of 130,136,000 retail spending(111,467,000 local spending and 18,669,000 overseas spending) and 1,154,000 cash advances.
The 131,290,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$149.461 billions in value(4.74% lower compares to previous quarter and 1.91% lower compares to the same quarter a year ago); HKD$141.025 billions for retail spending(HKD$118.870 billions local spending and HKD$22.155 billions overseas spending) and HKD$12.281 billions for cash advances.
As at 30th June 2016, there are 18,828,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong, an increase of 281,000 or 1.52% compares to 18,547,000 as at 31st March 2016.
A total of 136,209,000 credit card transactions recorded for Quarter 2, 2016(3.75% higher compares to previous quarter and 5.93% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); which made up of 134,966,000 retail spending(114,493,000 local spending and 20,472,000 overseas spending) and 1,243,000 cash advances.
The 136,209,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$144.598 billions in value(3.25% lower compares to previous quarter and 0.59% lower compares to the same quarter a year ago); HKD$135.474 billions for retail spending(HKD$112.413 billions local spending and HKD$23.061 billions overseas spending) and HKD$12.871 billions for cash advances.
For the 6 months ended 30th June 2016, a total of 267,499,000 credit card transactions recorded, with a total value of HKD$294.059 billions.
As at 30th September 2016, there are 19,205,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong, an increase of 377,000 or 2.00% compares to 18,828,000 as at 30th June 2016.
A total of 144,755,000 credit card transactions recorded for Quarter 3, 2016(6.27% higher compares to previous quarter and 9.83% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); which made up of 142,186,000 retail spending(119,627,000 local spending and 22,559,000 overseas spending) and 2,569,000 cash advances.
The 144,755,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$150.697 billions in value(4.22% higher compares to previous quarter and 5.84% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); HKD$138.514 billions for retail spending(HKD$113.211 billions local spending and HKD$25.303 billions overseas spending) and HKD$12.183 billions for cash advances.
For the 9 months ended 30th September 2016, a total of 412,254,000 credit card transactions recorded, with a total value of HKD$444.756 billions.
As at 31st December 2016, there are 19,184,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong, a decrease of 21,000 or 0.11% compares to 19,205,000 as at 30th September 2016.
A total of 151,686,000 credit card transactions recorded for Quarter 4, 2016(4.79% higher compares to previous quarter and 10.81% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); which made up of 149,102,000 retail spending(123,572,000 local spending and 25,530,000 overseas spending) and 2,584,000 cash advances.
The 151,686,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$167.236 billions in value(10.98% higher compares to previous quarter and 4.02% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); HKD$155.108 billions for retail spending(HKD$129.928 billions local spending and HKD$25.180 billions overseas spending) and HKD$12.128 billions for cash advances.
For the 12 months ended 31st December 2016, a total of 563,940,000 credit card transactions recorded, with a total value of HKD$611.992 billions.
Quarterly Credit Card Lending Statistics in Hong Kong 2016
As at 31st March 2016, there are 16,429,000 credit card accounts in Hong Kong, a decrease of 679,000 or 3.97% compares to 17,108,000 a quarter ago.
As at 31st March 2016, the total amount of credit card receivables decreased by HKD$8,939 millions or 7.12% to HKD$116,672 millions, compares to HKD$125,611 millions a quarter ago,
which is a norm since last quarter receivables was driven by festive spending and the payment of salaries tax using credit cards.
As at 31st March 2016, the delinquent amount decreased by 1.27% to HKD$310 millions and the rollover amount decreased by 0.60% to HKD$20,664 millions compares to a quarter ago.
The charge-off amount has increase from HKD$565 million in the previous quarter to HKD$579 million, a 2.48% or HKD$14 millions increase in 3 months period.
As at 30th June 2016, there are 16,628,000 credit card accounts in Hong Kong, an increase of 199,000 or 1.21% compares to 16,429,000 a quarter ago.
As at 30th June 2016, the total amount of credit card receivables increased by HKD$1,349 millions or 1.16% to HKD$118,021 millions, compares to HKD$116,672 millions a quarter ago.
As at 30th June 2016, the delinquent amount increased by 4.52% to HKD$324 millions and the rollover amount increased by 5.89% to HKD$21,882 millions compares to a quarter ago.
The charge-off amount has increase from HKD$579 million in the previous quarter to HKD$637 million, a 10.02% or HKD$58 millions increase in 3 months period.
As at 30th September 2016, there are 16,543,000 credit card accounts in Hong Kong, a decrease of 85,000 or 0.51% compares to 16,628,000 a quarter ago.
As at 30th September 2016, the total amount of credit card receivables increased by HKD$110 millions or 0.09% to HKD$118,131 millions, compares to HKD$118,021 millions a quarter ago.
As at 30th September 2016, the delinquent amount decreased by 8.95% to HKD$295 millions and the rollover amount decreased by 2.46% to HKD$21,344 millions compares to a quarter ago.
The charge-off amount has decrease from HKD$637 million in the previous quarter to HKD$632 million, a 0.79% or HKD$5 millions decrease in 3 months period.
As at 31st December 2016, there are 16,607,000 credit card accounts in Hong Kong, an increase of 64,000 or 0.39% compares to 16,543,000 a quarter ago.
As at 31st December 2016, the total amount of credit card receivables increased by HKD$10,055 millions or 8.51% to HKD$128,186 millions, compares to HKD$118,131 millions a quarter ago.
As at 31st December 2016, the delinquent amount increased by 6.10% to HKD$313 millions and the rollover amount increased by 6.51% to HKD$22,734 millions compares to a quarter ago.
The charge-off amount has decrease from HKD$632 million in the previous quarter to HKD$582 million, a 8.59% or HKD$50 millions decrease in 3 months period.
Credit cards in Hong Kong 2014-2015
As of 2015, Hong Kong has a population of 7,309,700 with a GDP(gross domestic product) of HKD$2,398.280 billions. This
translates into HKD$328,095 of GDP per capita.
As at 31st December 2015, there are 19,044,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong(2.61 cards per capita), an increase of 224,000 or 1.19% compares to 18,820,000 cards in the same period 2014.
Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
In 2015, there are 520,977,000 credit card transactions recorded(71.27 card transactions per capita), an increase of 33,662,000 or 6.91% compares to 487,315,000 transactions in 2014.
The 520,977,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$595.405 billions(HKD$81,454 per capita), an increase of HKD$38.751 billions or 6.96% compares to HKD$556.654 billions in 2014.
The 520,977,000 credit card transactions can be broken down into:-
- 515,879,000 retail spending transactions, an increase of 33,874,000 of 7.03% compares to 482,005,000 retail spending transactions in 2014.
Local retail spending made up 86.12% or 444,297,000 transactions, an increase of 20,566,000 or 4.85% compares to 423,731,000 transactions in 2014.
While overseas retail spending made up 13.88% or 71,582,000 transactions, an increase of 13,307,000 or 22.83% compares to 58,275,000 transactions in 2014.
- 5,100,000 cash advance transactions, a decrease of 210,000 of 3.95% compares to 5,310,000 cash advance transactions in 2014.
The HKD$595.405 billions credit card transactions can be broken down into:-
- HKD$557.671 billions retail spending, an increase of HKD$38.853 billions of 7.49% compares to HKD$518.818 billions in 2014.
This translates into HKD$1,081 per credit card payment transaction in 2015, a small increase compares to HKD$1,076 in 2014.
Local retail spending made up 83.23% or HKD$464.173 billions, an increase of HKD$29.314 billions or 6.74% compares to HKD$434.859 billions in 2014.
This translates into HKD$1,045 per credit card payment transaction locally in 2015, a small increase compares to HKD$1,026 in 2014.
While overseas retail spending made up 16.77% or HKD$93.497 billions, an increase of HKD$9.538 billions or 11.36% compares to HKD$83.959 billions in 2014.
This translates into HKD$1,306 per credit card payment transaction overseas in 2015, a decrease compares to HKD$1,441 in 2014.
- HKD$37.734 billions cash advance, a decrease of HKD$103 millions of 0.27% compares to HKD$37.837 billions in 2014.
Credit Card Lending 2015
As at 31st December 2015, there are 17,108,000 credit card accounts in Hong Kong, a small increase of 71,000 or 0.42% compares to 17,037,000 in the same period 2014.
As at 31st December 2015, the total amount of credit card receivables(overdue when a payment is past due at the last day of the reporting month) is HKD$125,611 millions,
an increase of HKD$1,451 millions or 1.17% compares to HKD$124,160 millions a year ago. Total card receivables increased by 7.19% (or HK$8.431 billion) in the fourth quarter
of 2015. The increase was largely due to festive spending around the year end and the payment of salaries tax using credit cards.
As at 31st December 2015, the delinquent amount(the amount of credit card receivables overdue for more than 90 days) is HKD$314 millions. While the rollover amount(the amount
outstanding at the previous statement date less any amount paid between the previous statement date and the current statement date) is HKD$20,788 millions. The delinquent amount
at the end of 2014 is HKD$253 millions with a rollover amount of HKD$19,595 millions. Overall, rollover amount increased by 6.09% and delinquent amount increased significantly by 24.11% at the end of 2015
when compares to the same period in 2014. The charge-off amount(total amount of credit card receivables written off - normally for an account that has been overdue
for more than 180 days) has increase from HKD$2,214 million for 12 months ended 2014 to HKD$2,272 million for 12 months ended 2015, showing a 2.62% increase in charge-off
amount in the 12 months period.
Quarterly Credit Cards Statistics in Hong Kong 2015
As at 31st March 2015, there are 18,889,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong, an increase of 69,000 or 0.37% compares to 18,820,000 as at 31st December 2014.
A total of 125,210,000 credit card transactions recorded for Quarter 1, 2015(2.04% lower compares to previous quarter and 7.05% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); which made up of 123,905,000 retail spending(107,323,000 local spending and 16,582,000 overseas spending) and 1,305,000 cash advances.
The 125,210,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$152.373 billions in value(0.83% higher compares to previous quarter and 10.94% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); HKD$143.434 billions for retail spending(HKD$120.636 billions local spending and HKD$22.798 billions overseas spending) and HKD$8.939 billions for cash advances.
As at 30th June 2015, there are 18,977,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong, an increase of 88,000 or 0.47% compares to 18,889,000 as at 31st March 2015.
A total of 128,583,000 credit card transactions recorded for Quarter 2, 2015(2.69% higher compares to previous quarter and 7.64% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); which made up of 127,340,000 retail spending(109,518,000 local spending and 17,822,000 overseas spending) and 1,244,000 cash advances.
The 128,583,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$143.747 billions in value(5.66% lower compares to previous quarter and 10.28% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); HKD$134.292 billions for retail spending(HKD$110.321 billions local spending and HKD$23.971 billions overseas spending) and HKD$9.455 billions for cash advances.
For the 6 months ended 30th June 2015, a total of 253,793,000 credit card transactions recorded, with a total value of HKD$296.12 billions.
As at 30th September 2015, there are 19,065,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong, an increase of 88,000 or 0.46% compares to 18,977,000 as at 30th June 2015.
A total of 131,799,000 credit card transactions recorded for Quarter 3, 2015(2.50% higher compares to previous quarter and 7.09% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); which made up of 130,528,000 retail spending(112,196,000 local spending and 18,332,000 overseas spending) and 1,272,000 cash advances.
The 131,799,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$142.378 billions in value(0.95% lower compares to previous quarter and 3.29% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); HKD$132.480 billions for retail spending(HKD$108.377 billions local spending and HKD$24.103 billions overseas spending) and HKD$9.898 billions for cash advances.
For the 9 months ended 30th September 2015, a total of 385,592,000 credit card transactions recorded, with a total value of HKD$438.498 billions.
As at 31st December 2015, there are 19,044,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong, a decrease of 21,000 or 0.11% compares to 19,065,000 as at 30th September 2015.
A total of 135,385,000 credit card transactions recorded for Quarter 4, 2015(2.72% higher compares to previous quarter and 5.92% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); which made up of 134,106,000 retail spending(115,260,000 local spending and 18,846,000 overseas spending) and 1,279,000 cash advances.
The 135,385,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$156.907 billions in value(10.20% higher compares to previous quarter and 3.83% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); HKD$147.465 billions for retail spending(HKD$124.839 billions local spending and HKD$22.625 billions overseas spending) and HKD$9.442 billions for cash advances.
For the 12 months ended 31st December 2015, a total of 520,977,000 credit card transactions recorded, with a total value of HKD$595.405 billions.
Credit cards in Hong Kong 2013-2014
As of 2014, Hong Kong has a population of 7,264,100 with a GDP(gross domestic product) of HKD$2,245.75 billions. This
translates into HKD$309,157 of GDP per capita.
As at 31st December 2014, there are 18,820,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong(2.59 cards per capita), an increase of 697,000 or 3.85% compares to 18,123,000 cards in the same period 2013.
Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
In 2014, there are 487,315,000 credit card transactions recorded(67.09 card transactions per capita), an increase of 19,790,000 or 4.23% compares to 467,525,000 transactions in 2013.
The 487,315,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$556.654 billions(HKD$76,631 per capita), an increase of HKD$41.178 billions or 7.99% compares to HKD$515.476 billions in 2013.
The 487,315,000 credit card transactions can be broken down into:-
- 482,005,000 retail spending transactions, an increase of 19,898,000 of 4.31% compares to 462,107,000 retail spending transactions in 2013.
Local retail spending made up 87.91% or 423,731,000 transactions, an increase of 17,763,000 or 4.38% compares to 405,968,000 transactions in 2013.
While overseas retail spending made up 12.09% or 58,275,000 transactions, an increase of 2,137,000 or 3.81% compares to 56,138,000 transactions in 2013.
- 5,310,000 cash advance transactions, a decrease of 109,000 of 2.01% compares to 5,419,000 cash advance transactions in 2013.
The HKD$556.654 billions credit card transactions can be broken down into:-
- HKD$518.818 billions retail spending, an increase of HKD$38.918 billions of 8.11% compares to HKD$479.9 billions in 2013.
This translates into HKD$1,076 per credit card payment transaction in 2014, an increase compares to HKD$1,039 in 2013.
Local retail spending made up 83.82% or HKD$434.859 billions, an increase of HKD$31.042 billions or 7.69% compares to HKD$403.817 billions in 2013.
This translates into HKD$1,026 per credit card payment transaction locally in 2014, an increase compares to HKD$995 in 2013.
While overseas retail spending made up 16.18% or HKD$83.959 billions, an increase of HKD$7.877 billions or 10.35% compares to HKD$76.082 billions in 2013.
This translates into HKD$1,441 per credit card payment transaction overseas in 2014, an increase compares to HKD$1,355 in 2013.
- HKD$37.837 billions cash advance, an increase of HKD$2.261 billions of 6.36% compares to HKD$35.576 billions in 2013.
Credit Card Lending 2014
As at 31st December 2014, there are 17,037,000 credit card accounts in Hong Kong, an increase of 347,000 or 2.08% compares to 16,690,000 in the same period 2013.
As at 31st December 2014, the total amount of credit card receivables(overdue when a payment is past due at the last day of the reporting month) is HKD$124,160 millions,
an increase of HKD$6,142 millions or 5.20% compares to HKD$118,018 millions a year ago. Total card receivables increased by 7.83% (or HK$9.018 billion) in the fourth quarter of 2014,
continuing the growth trend of 2.5% in the third quarter. The increase was largely due to festive spending around the year end and the payment of salaries tax using credit cards.
As at 31st December 2014, the delinquent amount(the amount of credit card receivables overdue for more than 90 days) is HKD$253 millions.
While the rollover amount(the amount outstanding at the previous statement date less any amount paid between the previous statement date and the current statement date) is HKD$19,595 millions.
The delinquent amount at the end of 2013 is HKD$239 millions with a rollover amount of HKD$18,647 millions. Overall, rollover amount increased by 5.08% and delinquent amount
increased by 5.86% at the end of 2014 when compares to the same period in 2013. The charge-off amount(total amount of credit card receivables written off - normally for an account
that has been overdue for more than 180 days) has increase from HKD$2,109 million for 12 months ended 2013 to HKD$2,214 million for 12 months ended 2014, showing a 4.98% increase in charge-off amount in the 12 months period.
Quarterly Credit Cards Statistics in Hong Kong 2014
As at 31st March 2014, there are 18,144,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong, an increase of 21,000 or 0.12% compares to 18,123,000 as at 31st December 2013.
A total of 116,969,000 credit card transactions recorded for Quarter 1, 2014(4.72% lower compares to previous quarter and 6.31% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); which made up of 115,691,000 retail spending(101,854,000 local spending and 13,838,000 overseas spending) and 1,278,000 cash advances.
The 116,969,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$137.343 billions in value(3.33% lower compares to previous quarter and 8.83% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); HKD$129.242 billions for retail spending(HKD$110.428 billions local spending and HKD$18.814 billions overseas spending) and HKD$8.101 billions for cash advances.
As at 30th June 2014, there are 18,453,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong, an increase of 309,000 or 1.70% compares to 18,144,000 as at 31st March 2014.
A total of 119,452,000 credit card transactions recorded for Quarter 2, 2014(2.12% higher compares to previous quarter and 3.31% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); which made up of 118,102,000 retail spending(104,366,000 local spending and 13,736,000 overseas spending) and 1,349,000 cash advances.
The 119,452,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$130.351 billions in value(5.09% lower compares to previous quarter and 5.97% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); HKD$121.139 billions for retail spending(HKD$100.546 billions local spending and HKD$20.593 billions overseas spending) and HKD$9.212 billions for cash advances.
For the 6 months ended 30th June 2014, a total of 236,421,000 credit card transactions recorded, with a total value of HKD$267.694 billions.
As at 30th September 2014, there are 18,510,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong, an increase of 57,000 or 0.31% compares to 18,453,000 as at 30th June 2014.
A total of 123,077,000 credit card transactions recorded for Quarter 3, 2014(3.03% higher compares to previous quarter and 3.33% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); which made up of 121,802,000 retail spending(107,647,000 local spending and 14,155,000 overseas spending) and 1,275,000 cash advances.
The 123,077,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$137.842 billions in value(5.75% higher compares to previous quarter and 10.99% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); HKD$127.667 billions for retail spending(HKD$105.317 billions local spending and HKD$22.350 billions overseas spending) and HKD$10.175 billions for cash advances.
For the 9 months ended 30th September 2014, a total of 359,498,000 credit card transactions recorded, with a total value of HKD$405.536 billions.
As at 31st December 2014, there are 18,820,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong, an increase of 310,000 or 1.67% compares to 18,510,000 as at 30th September 2014.
A total of 127,817,000 credit card transactions recorded for Quarter 4, 2014(3.85% higher compares to previous quarter and 4.11% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); which made up of 126,410,000 retail spending(109,864,000 local spending and 16,546,000 overseas spending) and 1,408,000 cash advances.
The 127,817,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$151.118 billions in value(9.63% higher compares to previous quarter and 6.36% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); HKD$140.770 billions for retail spending(HKD$118.568 billions local spending and HKD$22.202 billions overseas spending) and HKD$10.349 billions for cash advances.
For the 12 months ended 31st December 2014, a total of 487,315,000 credit card transactions recorded, with a total value of HKD$556.654 billions.
Credit cards in Hong Kong 2012-2013
As of 2013, Hong Kong has a population of 7,219,700 with a GDP(gross domestic product) of HKD$2,122.49 billions. This
translates into HKD$295,303 of GDP per capita.
As at 31st December 2013, there are 18,123,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong(2.51 cards per capita), an increase of 686,000 or 3.93% compares to 17,437,000 in the same period 2012.
Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
In 2013, there are 467,525,000 credit card transactions recorded(64.76 card transactions per capita), an increase of 31,389,000 or 7.20% compares to 436,136,000 transactions in 2012.
The 467,525,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$515.476 billions(HKD$71,399 per capita), an increase of HKD$38.264 billions or 8.02% compares to HKD$477.212 billions in 2012.
The 467,525,000 credit card transactions can be broken down into:-
- 462,107,000 retail spending transactions, an increase of 30,488,000 of 7.06% compares to 431,619,000 retail spending transactions in 2012.
- 5,419,000 cash advance transactions, an increase of 901,000 of 19.94% compares to 4,518,000 cash advance transactions in 2012.
The HKD$515.476 billions credit card transactions can be broken down into:-
- HKD$479.9 billions retail spending, an increase of HKD$30.642 billions of 6.82% compares to HKD$449.258 billions in 2012.
This translates into HKD$1,039 per credit card payment transaction in 2013, a decrease compares to HKD$1,041 in 2012.
- HKD$35.576 billions cash advance, an increase of HKD$7.621 billions of 27.26% compares to HKD$27.955 billions in 2012.
Credit Card Lending 2013
As at 31st December 2013, there are 16,690,000 credit card accounts in Hong Kong, an increase of 422,000 or 2.59% compares to 16,268,000 in the same period 2012.
As at 31st December 2013, the total amount of credit card receivables(overdue when a payment is past due at the last day of the reporting month) is HKD$118,018 millions,
an increase of HKD$6,739 millions or 6.06% compares to HKD$111,279 millions a year ago. Total card receivables increased by 9.54% (or HK$10.274 billion) in the fourth quarter
of 2013, continuing the growth trend of 0.94% in the third quarter. The increase was largely due to festive spending around the year end and the payment of salaries tax using credit cards.
As at 31st December 2013, the delinquent amount(the amount of credit card receivables overdue for more than 90 days) is HKD$239 millions. While the rollover amount(the amount
outstanding at the previous statement date less any amount paid between the previous statement date and the current statement date) is HKD$18,647 millions. The delinquent amount
at the end of 2012 is HKD$221 millions with a rollover amount of HKD$18,857 millions. Overall, rollover amount decreased by 1.11% and delinquent amount increased by 8.14% at the end of 2013
when compares to the same period in 2012. The charge-off amount(total amount of credit card receivables written off - normally for an account that has been overdue
for more than 180 days) has increase from HKD$1,803 million for 12 months ended 2012 to HKD$2,109 million for 12 months ended 2013, showing a 16.97% increase in charge-off
amount in the 12 months period.
Quarterly Credit Cards Statistics in Hong Kong 2013
As at 31st March 2013, there are 17,570,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong, an increase of 133,000 or 0.76% compares to 17,437,000 as at 31st December 2012.
A total of 110,025,000 credit card transactions recorded for Quarter 1, 2013(5.0% lower compares to previous quarter and 6.3% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); which made up of 108,768,000 retail spending(96,945,000 local spending and 11,823,000 overseas spending) and 1,257,000 cash advances.
The 110,025,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$126.201 billions in value(2.8% lower compares to previous quarter and 4.2% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); HKD$119.405 billions for retail spending(HKD$102.272 billions local spending and HKD$17.132 billions overseas spending) and HKD$6.796 billions for cash advances.
As at 30th June 2013, there are 17,754,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong, an increase of 184,000 or 1.05% compares to 17,570,000 as at 31st March 2013.
A total of 115,622,000 credit card transactions recorded for Quarter 2, 2013(5.1% higher compares to previous quarter and 8.7% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); which made up of 114,226,000 retail spending(98,145,000 local spending and 16,080,000 overseas spending) and 1,396,000 cash advances.
The 115,622,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$123.006 billions in value(2.5% lower compares to previous quarter and 9.6% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); HKD$113.913 billions for retail spending(HKD$93.631 billions local spending and HKD$20.282 billions overseas spending) and HKD$9.093 billions for cash advances.
For the 6 months ended 30th June 2013, a total of 225,647,000 credit card transactions recorded, with a total value of HKD$249.207 billions.
As at 30th September 2013, there are 17,983,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong, an increase of 229,000 or 1.29% compares to 17,754,000 as at 30th June 2013.
A total of 119,110,000 credit card transactions recorded for Quarter 3, 2013(3.0% higher compares to previous quarter and 7.9% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); which made up of 117,737,000 retail spending(103,850,000 local spending and 13,887,000 overseas spending) and 1,374,000 cash advances.
The 119,110,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$124.188 billions in value(1.0% higher compares to previous quarter and 9.0% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); HKD$114.920 billions for retail spending(HKD$95.532 billions local spending and HKD$19.388 billions overseas spending) and HKD$9.268 billions for cash advances.
For the 9 months ended 30th September 2013, a total of 344,757,000 credit card transactions recorded, with a total value of HKD$373.395 billions.
As at 31st December 2013, there are 18,123,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong, an increase of 140,000 or 0.78% compares to 17,983,000 as at 30th September 2013.
A total of 122,768,000 credit card transactions recorded for Quarter 4, 2013(3.1% higher compares to previous quarter and 6.0% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); which made up of 121,376,000 retail spending(107,028,000 local spending and 14,348,000 overseas spending) and 1,392,000 cash advances.
The 122,768,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$142.081 billions in value(14.4% higher compares to previous quarter and 9.4% higher compares to the same quarter a year ago); HKD$131.662 billions for retail spending(HKD$112.382 billions local spending and HKD$19.280 billions overseas spending) and HKD$10.419 billions for cash advances.
For the 12 months ended 31st December 2013, a total of 467,525,000 credit card transactions recorded, with a total value of HKD$515.476 billions.
Credit cards in Hong Kong 2011-2012
As of 2012, Hong Kong has a population of 7,177,900 with a GDP(gross domestic product) of HKD$2,037.17 billions. This
translates into HKD$284,725 of GDP per capita.
As at 31st December 2012, there are 17,437,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong(2.43 cards per capita), an increase of 953,000 or 5.78% compares to 16,484,000 in the same period 2011.
Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
In 2012, there are 436,136,000 credit card transactions recorded(60.76 card transactions per capita), an increase of 39,824,000 or 10.05% compares to 396,312,000 transactions in 2011.
The 436,136,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$477.212 billions(HKD$66,484 per capita), an increase of HKD$40.923 billions or 9.38% compares to HKD$436.289 billions in 2011.
The 436,136,000 credit card transactions can be broken down into:-
- 431,619,000 retail spending transactions, an increase of 40,082,000 of 10.24% compares to 391,537,000 retail spending transactions in 2011.
- 4,518,000 cash advance transactions, a decrease of 257,000 of 5.38% compares to 4,775,000 cash advance transactions in 2011.
The HKD$477.212 billions credit card transactions can be broken down into:-
- HKD$449.258 billions retail spending, an increase of HKD$40.946 billions of 10.03% compares to HKD$408.312 billions in 2011.
This translates into HKD$1,041 per credit card payment transaction in 2012, a decrease compares to HKD$1,043 in 2011.
- HKD$27.955 billions cash advance, a decrease of HKD$23 millions of 0.08% compares to HKD$27.978 billions in 2011.
Credit Card Lending 2012
As at 31st December 2012, there are 16,268,000 credit card accounts in Hong Kong, an increase of 1,211,000 or 8.04% compares to 15,057,000 in the same period 2011.
As at 31st December 2012, the total amount of credit card receivables(overdue when a payment is past due at the last day of the reporting month) is HKD$111,279 millions,
an increase of HKD$10,816 millions or 10.77% compares to HKD$100,463 millions a year ago. Total card receivables increased by 10.40% (or HK$10.480 billion) in the fourth quarter
of 2012, continuing the growth trend of 2.14% in the third quarter. The increase was largely due to festive spending around the year end and the payment of salaries tax using credit cards.
As at 31st December 2012, the delinquent amount(the amount of credit card receivables overdue for more than 90 days) is HKD$221 millions. While the rollover amount(the amount
outstanding at the previous statement date less any amount paid between the previous statement date and the current statement date) is HKD$18,857 millions. The delinquent amount
at the end of 2011 is HKD$188 millions with a rollover amount of HKD$19,413 millions. Overall, rollover amount decreased by 2.86% and delinquent amount increased by 17.55% at the end of 2012
when compares to the same period in 2011. The charge-off amount(total amount of credit card receivables written off - normally for an account that has been overdue
for more than 180 days) has increase from HKD$1,404 millions for 12 months ended 2011 to HKD$1,803 million for 12 months ended 2012, showing a 28.42% increase in charge-off
amount in the 12 months period.
Credit cards in Hong Kong 2010-2011
As of 2011, Hong Kong has a population of 7,112,400 with a GDP(gross domestic product) of HKD$1934.43 billions. This
translates into HKD$273,550 of GDP per capita.
As at 31st December 2011, there are 16,484,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong(2.32 cards per capita), an increase of 1,034,000 or 6.69% compares to 15,450,000 in the same period 2010.
Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
In 2011, there are 396,312,000 credit card transactions recorded(55.72 card transactions per capita), an increase of 27,600,000 or 7.49% compares to 368,712,000 transactions in 2010.
The 396,312,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$436.289 billions(HKD$61,342 per capita), an increase of HKD$59.146 billions or 15.68% compares to HKD$377.143 billions in 2010.
The 396,312,000 credit card transactions can be broken down into:-
- 391,537,000 retail spending transactions, an increase of 27,603,000 of 7.58% compares to 363,934,000 retail spending transactions in 2010.
- 4,775,000 cash advance transactions, a decrease of 2,000 of 0.04% compares to 4,777,000 cash advance transactions in 2010.
The HKD$436.289 billions credit card transactions can be broken down into:-
- HKD$408.312 billions retail spending, an increase of HKD$53.68 billions of 15.14% compares to HKD$354.632 billions in 2010.
This translates into HKD$1,043 per credit card payment transaction in 2011, an increase compares to HKD$974 in 2010.
- HKD$27.978 billions cash advance, an increase of HKD$5.468 billions of 24.29% compares to HKD$22.510 billions in 2010.
Credit Card Lending 2011
As at 31st December 2011, there are 15,057,000 credit card accounts in Hong Kong, an increase of 1,260,000 or 9.13% compares to 13,797,000 in the same period 2010.
As at 31st December 2011, the total amount of credit card receivables(overdue when a payment is past due at the last day of the reporting month) is HKD$100,463 millions,
an increase of HKD$12,926 millions or 14.77% compares to HKD$87,537 millions a year ago. Total card receivables increased by 10.89% (or HK$9.866 billion) in the fourth quarter
of 2011, continuing the growth trend of 4.16% in the third quarter. The increase was largely due to festive spending around the year end and the payment of salaries tax using credit cards.
As at 31st December 2011, the delinquent amount(the amount of credit card receivables overdue for more than 90 days) is HKD$188 millions. While the rollover amount(the amount
outstanding at the previous statement date less any amount paid between the previous statement date and the current statement date) is HKD$19,413 millions. The delinquent amount
at the end of 2010 is HKD$173 millions with a rollover amount of HKD$19,094 millions. Overall, rollover amount increased by 1.67% and delinquent amount increased by 8.67% at the end of 2011
when compares to the same period in 2010. The charge-off amount(total amount of credit card receivables written off - normally for an account that has been overdue
for more than 180 days) has decrease from HKD$1,551 millions for 12 months ended 2010 to HKD$1,404 million for 12 months ended 2011, showing a 9.48% decrease in charge-off
amount in the 12 months period.
Credit cards in Hong Kong 2009-2010
As of 2010, Hong Kong has a population of 7,097,600 with a GDP(gross domestic product) of HKD$1777.72 billions. This
translates into HKD$250,468 of GDP per capita.
As at 31st December 2010, there are 15,450,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong(2.18 cards per capita), an increase of 953,000 or 6.57% compares to 14,497,000 in the same period 2009.
Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
In 2010, there are 368,712,000 credit card transactions recorded(51.95 card transactions per capita), an increase of 24,730,000 or 6.71% compares to 343,982,000 transactions in 2009.
The 368,712,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$377.143 billions(HKD$53,137 per capita), an increase of HKD$55.843 billions or 17.38% compares to HKD$321.300 billions in 2009.
The 368,712,000 credit card transactions can be broken down into:-
- 363,934,000 retail spending transactions, an increase of 25,861,000 of 7.65% compares to 338,073,000 retail spending transactions in 2009.
- 4,777,000 cash advance transactions, a decrease of 1,132,000 of 19.16% compares to 5,909,000 cash advance transactions in 2009.
The HKD$377.143 billions credit card transactions can be broken down into:-
- HKD$354.632 billions retail spending, an increase of HKD$52.67 billions of 17.44% compares to HKD$301.962 billions in 2009.
This translates into HKD$974 per credit card payment transaction in 2010, an increase compares to HKD$893 in 2009.
- HKD$22.510 billions cash advance, an increase of HKD$3.171 billions of 16.40% compares to HKD$19.339 billions in 2009.
Credit Card Lending 2010
As at 31st December 2010, there are 13,797,000 credit card accounts in Hong Kong, an increase of 1,402,000 or 11.31% compares to 12,395,000 in the same period 2009.
As at 31st December 2010, the total amount of credit card receivables(overdue when a payment is past due at the last day of the reporting month) is HKD$87,537 millions,
an increase of HKD$12,320 millions or 16.38% compares to HKD$75,217 millions a year ago. Total card receivables increased by 11.79% (or HK$9.368 billion) in the fourth quarter
of 2010, continuing the growth trend of 5% in the third quarter. The increase was largely due to festive spending around the year end and the payment of salaries tax using credit cards.
As at 31st December 2010, the delinquent amount(the amount of credit card receivables overdue for more than 90 days) is HKD$173 millions. While the rollover amount(the amount
outstanding at the previous statement date less any amount paid between the previous statement date and the current statement date) is HKD$19,094 millions. The delinquent amount
at the end of 2009 is HKD$255 millions with a rollover amount of HKD$21,070 millions. Overall, there is 9.63% less rollover amount and 32.16% lesser delinquent amount
at the end of 2010 when compares to the same period in 2009. The charge-off amount(total amount of credit card receivables written off - normally for an account that has been overdue
for more than 180 days) has decrease from HKD$2,826 millions for 12 months ended 2009 to HKD$1,551 million for 12 months ended 2010. This is a significant 45.12% decrease in charge-off
amount in the 12 months period. The significant decrease in 2010 credit card debt statistics is inline with the recovery of global economy from the financial crisis.
Credit cards in Hong Kong 2008-2009
As of 2009, Hong Kong has a population of 7,026,400 with a GDP(gross domestic product) of HKD$1659.25 billions. This
translates into HKD$236,145 of GDP per capita.
As at 31st December 2009, there are 14,497,000 credit cards issued in Hong Kong(2.06 cards per capita), an increase of 452,000 or 3.22% compares to 14,045,000 in the same period 2008.
Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
In 2009, there are 343,982,000 credit card transactions recorded(48.96 card transactions per capita), an increase of 16,677,000 or 5.10% compares to 327,305,000 transactions in 2008.
The 343,982,000 credit card transactions generated HKD$321.300 billions(HKD$45,728 per capita), a decrease of HKD$4.336 billions or 1.33% compares to HKD$325.636 billions in 2008.
The 343,982,000 credit card transactions can be broken down into:-
- 338,073,000 retail spending transactions, an increase of 16,812,000 of 5.23% compares to 321,261,000 retail spending transactions in 2008.
- 5,909,000 cash advance transactions, a decrease of 134,000 of 2.22% compares to 6,043,000 cash advance transactions in 2008.
The HKD$321.300 billions credit card transactions can be broken down into:-
- HKD$301.962 billions retail spending, a decrease of HKD$1.096 billions of 0.36% compares to HKD$303.058 billions in 2008.
This translates into HKD$893 per credit card payment transaction in 2009, a decrease compares to HKD$943 in 2008.
- HKD$19.339 billions cash advance, a decrease of HKD$3.24 billions of 14.35% compares to HKD$22.579 billions in 2008.
Credit Card Lending 2009
As at 31st December 2009, there are 12,395,000 credit card accounts in Hong Kong, an increase of 563,000 or 4.76% compares to 11,832,000 in the same period 2008.
As at 31st December 2009, the total amount of credit card receivables(overdue when a payment is past due at the last day of the reporting month) is HKD$75,217 millions,
a decrease of HKD$1,940 millions or 2.51% compares to HKD$77,157 millions a year ago. Total card receivables increased by 6.6% (or HK$4.7 billion) in the fourth quarter
of 2009, after falling 0.2% in the previous quarter. The increase was largely due to festive spending around the year end and the payment of salaries tax using credit cards.
As at 31st December 2009, the delinquent amount(the amount of credit card receivables overdue for more than 90 days) is HKD$255 millions. While the rollover amount(the amount
outstanding at the previous statement date less any amount paid between the previous statement date and the current statement date) is HKD$21,070 millions. The delinquent amount
at the end of 2008 is HKD$263 millions with a rollover amount of HKD$23,772 millions. Overall, there is 11.37% less rollover amount and 3.04% lesser delinquent amount
at the end of 2009 when compares to the same period in 2008. The charge-off amount(total amount of credit card receivables written off - normally for an account that
has been overdue for more than 180 days) has increase from HKD$2,094 millions for 12 months ended 2008 to HKD$2,826 million for 12 months ended 2009. This is a significant 34.96%
increase in charge-off amount in 12 months period.
Total card receivables decreased by 4.9% (or HK$3.7 billion) in the first quarter of 2010, after increasing 6.6% in the previous quarter. The decrease was largely due to the
receding effect of festive spending around the year end and the payment of salaries tax using credit cards. The rollover amount reduced to HKD$20,320 millions in Q1, 2010,
a decrease of HKD$750 millions or 3.56%. The charge off amount for Q1 2010 has also decreased to HKD$439 millions or 22.16% from HKD$564 millions in Q4, 2009. Meanwhile, the
delinquent amount continues to fall in Q1 2010 to HKD$232 millions, a 9.02% or HKD$23 millions reduction compares to HKD$255 millions in Q4 2009.
Credit cards in Hong Kong 2007-2008
As at 31st December 2008, there are 11,832,000 credit card accounts issued in Hong Kong, an increase of 273,000 or 2.36% compares to 11,559,000 in the same period 2007.
As at 31st December 2008, the total amount of credit card receivables(overdue when a payment is past due at the last day of the reporting month) is HKD$77,157 millions,
an increase of HKD$272 millions or 0.35% compares to HKD$76,885 millions a year ago. As at 31st December 2008, the delinquent amount(the amount of credit
card receivables overdue for more than 90 days) is HKD$263 millions. While the rollover amount(the amount outstanding at the previous statement date less
any amount paid between the previous statement date and the current statement date) is HKD$23,772 millions. The delinquent amount at the end of 2007 is
HKD$269 millions with a rollover amount of HKD$24,638 millions. Overall, there is 3.51% less rollover amount and 2.23% lesser delinquent amount
at the end of 2008 when compares to the same period in 2007. The charge-off amount(total amount of credit card receivables written off - normally for an account that
has been overdue for more than 180 days) has decrease from HKD$2,165 millions for 12 months ended 2007 to HKD$2,094 million for 12 months ended 2008. This is a 3.28%
reduction in charge-off amount in 12 months period.
With the economic climate worsen due to financial crisis, the delinquent amount has risen tremendously, 33.08% or HKD$87 millions to HKD$350 millions in Q1, 2009(31st march 2009) and stabilize
in Q2, 2009(30th June 2009) with a slight increase to HKD$357 millions. The rollover amount reduced to HKD$22,928 millions in Q1, 2009 and HKD$22,239 millions in Q2, 2009. However, the charge
off amount for Q1, 2009 has increased significantly to HKD$727 millions or 24.49% from HKD$584 millions in Q4, 2008. The charge off amount continues its upward trend with a staggering HKD$815
millions in Q2, 2009, which is HKD$231 millions or 39.55%, compares to Q4, 2008; and 12.1% or HKD$88 millions increase compares to Q1, 2009. Meanwhile the total amount of credit card receivables
continues to fall, recording HKD$70,878 millions in Q1, 2009 and HKD$70,679 millions in Q2, 2009.