

截至2018年底,全国累计发行银行卡759 673.7万张,较2017底增加669 259.2万张,增长13.51%。 其中,借记卡发卡量为691 320.8万张,同比增长13.24%,占银行卡发卡量的91.01%。
信用卡发卡量为68 589.2万张,同比增长16.73%。 年底,我国借记卡发卡量与信用卡发卡量之间的比例约为10.08:1。
全年全国共银行卡消费业务9 833 618万笔, 金额927 590.00亿元, 分别较上年增长67.73%和35.09%。

中国信用卡资讯 2016-2017

截至2017年底,全国累计发行银行卡669 259.2万张,较2016底增加56 795.4万张,增长9.27%。 其中,借记卡发卡量为610 500.7万张,同比增长7.87%,占银行卡发卡量的91.22%。
信用卡发卡量为58 758.5万张,同比增长26.35%。58 758.5万张信用卡可分类为5.33亿 张贷记卡和0.54亿张准贷记卡。 年底,我国借记卡发卡量与信用卡发卡量之间的比例约为10.39:1。
全年全国共银行卡消费业务5 862 684万笔, 金额686 660.00亿元, 分别较上年增长52.96%和21.54%。

中国信用卡资讯 2015-2016

截至2016年底,全国累计发行银行卡612 463.80万张,较2015底增加68 232.51万张,增长12.54%。 其中,借记卡发卡量为565 960.31万张,同比增长12.96%,占银行卡发卡量的92.41%。
信用卡发卡量为46 503.49万张,同比增长7.60%。43 220.65万张信用卡可分类为4.20亿 张贷记卡和0.45亿张准贷记卡。 年底,我国借记卡发卡量与信用卡发卡量之间的比例约为12.17:1。
全年全国共银行卡消费业务3 832 907万笔, 金额564 980.00亿元, 分别较上年增长32.03%和2.72%。

中国信用卡资讯 2014-2015

截至2015年底,全国累计发行银行卡544 231.29万张,较2014底增加50 659.43万张,增长10.26%。 其中,借记卡发卡量为501 010.63万张,同比增长11.82%,占银行卡发卡量的92.06%。
信用卡发卡量为43 220.65万张,同比减低5.03%。43 220.65万张信用卡可分类为3.93亿 张贷记卡和0.39亿张准贷记卡。 年底,我国借记卡发卡量与信用卡发卡量之间的比例约为11.59:1。
全年全国共银行卡消费业务2 902 995万笔, 金额550 010.00亿元, 分别较上年增长46.95%和29.77%。 截至2015年底,信用卡信贷规模适度增长,授信总额7.08万亿元,期末应偿信贷总额3.09万亿元,同比增长32.05%。

中国信用卡资讯 2013-2014

截至2014年底,全国累计发行银行卡493 571.86万张,较2013底增加72 182.58万张,增长17.13%。 其中,借记卡发卡量为448 062.36万张,同比增长17.20%,占银行卡发卡量的90.78%。
信用卡发卡量为45 509.50万张,同比增长16.45%。45 509.50万张信用卡可分类为39 980.76万张贷记卡和5 528.74万张准贷记卡。 年底,我国借记卡发卡量与信用卡发卡量之间的比例约为9.85:1。
全年全国共银行卡消费业务1 975 439.61万笔, 金额423 840.00亿元, 分别较上年增长52.30%和33.15%。 截至2014年底,信用卡信贷规模适度增长,授信总额5.6万亿元,期末应偿信贷总额2.34万亿元,同比增长26.75%。

中国信用卡资讯 2012-2013

截至2013年底,全国累计发行银行卡421 389.28万张,较2012底增加67 974.55万张,增长19.23%。
其中,借记卡发卡量为382 310.04万张,同比增长19.36%,占银行卡发卡量的90.73%。
信用卡发卡量为39 079.24万张,同比增长18.03%。39 079.24万张信用卡可分类为34 356.27万张贷记卡和4 722.97万张准贷记卡。 2013年底,我国借记卡发卡量与信用卡发卡量之间的比例约为9.78:1
全年全国共银行卡消费业务1 297 095.46万笔, 金额318 315.25亿元, 分别较上年增长43.98%和52.85%。 截至2013年底,信用卡期末应偿信贷总额1.84万亿元, 同比增长61.80%。

中国信用卡资讯 2011-2012

截至2012年底,全国累计发行银行卡353 414.73万张,较2011底增加58 509.75万张,增长19.84%。
其中,借记卡发卡量为320 305.21万张,同比增长20.25%,占银行卡发卡量的90.63%。
信用卡发卡量为33 109.53万张,同比增长15.99%。33 109.53万张信用卡可分类为28 903.53万张贷记卡和4 205.98万张准贷记卡。 2012年底,我国借记卡发卡量与信用卡发卡量之间的比例约为9.67:1。
全年全国共银行卡消费业务900 906.84万笔, 金额208 256.04亿元, 分别较上年增长40.48%和36.91%。

中国信用卡资讯 2010-2011

截至2011年底,全国累计发行银行卡294 904.98万张,较2010底增加53 374.08万张,增长22.10%。
其中,借记卡发卡量为266 359.08万张,同比增长21.87%,占银行卡发卡量的90.32%。
信用卡发卡量为28 545.89万张,同比增长24.30%。2011年底,我国借记卡发卡量与信用卡发卡量之间的比例约为9.33:1

中国信用卡资讯 2009-2010

截至2010年底,全国累计发行银行卡241 530.9万张,较2009底增加34 936.5 万张,增长16.91%。
其中,借记卡发卡量为218 565.6万张,同比增长16.23%,占银行卡发卡量的90.49%。
信用卡发卡量为22 965.3万张,同比增长23.72%。2010年底,我国借记卡发卡量与信用卡发卡量之间的比例约为9.52:1

中国信用卡资讯 2008-2009

截至2009年底,全国累计发行银行卡206 594.4万张,较2008底增加26 555.5万张,增长14.75%。
其中,借记卡发卡量为188 038.8万张,同比增长13.41%,占银行卡发卡量的91.02%。
信用卡发卡量为18 555.6万张,同比增长30.37%。2009年底,我国借记卡发卡量与信用卡发卡量之间的比例约为10.13:1

中国信用卡资讯 2007-2008

银行卡发卡量持续增加,信用卡占比进一步提高,银行卡发卡增速放缓。 截至2008年底,加入银联网络的发卡机构235家,较2007年底增加43家。其中,境内发卡机构195家,境外发卡机构40家。
截至2008年底,全国累计发行银行卡180 038.92万张(平均每人1.36张银行卡),较2007底增加30 043.86 万张,增长16.7%,增速较2007年回落15.9个百分点。
其中,借记卡发卡量为165 806.02万张(平均每人1.25张借记卡),同比增长17.6%,增速较上年同期回落12.8个百分点,占银行卡发卡量的92.1%,占比同比减少1.9个百分点。
信用卡发卡量为14 232.9万张(平均每人0.11张信用卡),同比增长57.7%,增速较2007年回落24.3个百分点。2008年底,我国借记卡发卡量与信用卡发卡量之间的比例约为11.65:1。

截至2008年底,国有商业银行贷记卡累计发卡6 493.11 万张,较2007年增长77.9%,占其信用卡发卡量的78.1%。
股份制商业银行贷记卡累计发卡5 346.68万张,较2007增长59.7%,占其信用卡发卡量的96.8%。中国邮政储蓄银行开始发放贷记卡,累计发卡1.72万张。

截至2008年底,信用卡期末信贷总额9 804.57亿元,同比增长75.8%,是2006年同期的3.2倍。
期末应偿信贷总额1 582.12亿元,同比增长110.9%,是2006年同期的4.8倍。

Credit Cards in China

As at 31st December 2018, there are 7,596.737 millions bankcards issued in China, an increase of 904.145 millions or 13.51% compares to 6,692.592 millions in the same period in 2017.
Out of these, 6,913.208 millions are debit cards, an increase of of 808.201 millions 13.24% compares to 6,105.007 millions in the same period in 2017. Debit cards made up 91.01 percent of the bankcards issued.
The balance of the bankcards are made up of 685.892 millions credit cards, an increase of 98.307 millions or 16.73% compares to 587.585 millions in the same period in 2017. The ratio between debit cards and credit cards is 10.08 to 1.

There are 98,336.18 millions bankcard transactions in 2018, an increase of 39,709.34 millions or 67.73% compares to 58,626.84 million in 2017. The 98,336.18 million bankcard transactions in 2018 generated CNY92,759 billions, an increase of CNY24,093 billions or 35.09% compares to CNY68,666 billions in 2017.

Credit Cards in China 2016-2017

As at 31st December 2017, there are 6,692.592 millions bankcards issued in China, an increase of 567.954 millions or 9.27% compares to 6,124.638 millions in the same period in 2016.
Out of these, 6,105.007 millions are debit cards, an increase of of 445.404 millions 7.87% compares to 5,659.603 millions in the same period in 2016. Debit cards made up 91.22 percent of the bankcards issued.
The balance of the bankcards are made up of 587.585 millions credit cards, an increase of 122.55 millions or 26.35% compares to 465.035 millions in the same period in 2016. The 587.585 millions credit cards can be broken down as 533 millions ordinary credit cards and 54 millions quasi-credit cards. The ratio between debit cards and credit cards is 10.39 to 1.

There are 58,626.84 millions bankcard transactions in 2017, an increase of 20,297.77 millions or 52.96% compares to 38,329.07 million in 2016. The 58,626.84 million bankcard transactions in 2017 generated CNY68,666 billions, an increase of CNY12,168 billions or 21.54% compares to CNY56,498 billions in 2016.

Credit Cards in China 2015-2016

As at 31st December 2016, there are 6,124.6380 millions bankcards issued in China, an increase of 682.3251 millions or 12.54% compares to 5,442.3129 millions in the same period in 2015.
Out of these, 5,659.6031 millions are debit cards, an increase of of 649.4968 millions 12.96% compares to 5,010.1063 millions in the same period in 2015. Debit cards made up 92.41 percent of the bankcards issued.
The balance of the bankcards are made up of 465.0349 millions credit cards, an increase of 32.8284 millions or 7.60% compares to 432.2065 millions in the same period in 2015. The 465.0349 millions credit cards can be broken down as 420 millions ordinary credit cards and 45 millions quasi-credit cards. The ratio between debit cards and credit cards is 12.17 to 1.

There are 38,329.07 millions bankcard transactions in 2016, an increase of 9,299.12 millions or 32.03% compares to 29,029.95 million in 2015. The 38,329.07 million bankcard transactions in 2016 generated CNY56,498 billions, an increase of CNY1,497 billions or 2.72% compares to CNY55,001 billions in 2015.

Credit Cards in China 2014-2015

As at 31st December 2015, there are 5,442.3129 millions bankcards issued in China, an increase of 506.5943 millions or 10.26% compares to 4,935.7186 millions in the same period in 2014.
Out of these, 5,010.1063 millions are debit cards, an increase of of 529.4827 millions 11.82% compares to 4,480.6236 millions in the same period in 2014. Debit cards made up 92.06 percent of the bankcards issued.
The balance of the bankcards are made up of 432.2065 millions credit cards, a decrease of 22.8885 millions or 5.03% compares to 455.0950 millions in the same period in 2014. The 432.2065 millions credit cards can be broken down as 393 millions ordinary credit cards and 39 millions quasi-credit cards. The ratio between debit cards and credit cards is 11.59 to 1.

There are 29,029.95 millions bankcard transactions in 2015, an increase of 9,275.55 millions or 46.95% compares to 19,754.40 million in 2014. The 29,029.95 million bankcard transactions in 2015 generated CNY55,001 billions, a significant increase of CNY12,617 billions or 29.77% compares to CNY42,384 billions in 2014.
A total of CNY7.08 trillion credit line available with credit card outstanding balance stood at CNY3.09 trillion as at 31st December 2015, an increase of 32.05% compares to the same period a year ago.

Credit Cards in China 2013-2014

As at 31st December 2014, there are 4,935.7186 millions bankcards issued in China, an increase of 721.8258 millions or 17.13% compares to 4,213.8928 millions in the same period in 2013.
Out of these, 4,480.6236 millions are debit cards, an increase of of 657.5232 millions 17.20% compares to 3,823.1004 millions in the same period in 2013. Debit cards made up 90.78 percent of the bankcards issued.
The balance of the bankcards are made up of 455.0950 millions credit cards, a significant increase of 64.3026 millions or 16.45% compares to 390.7924 millions in the same period in 2013. The 455.0950 millions credit cards can be broken down as 399.8076 millions ordinary credit cards and 55.2874 millions quasi-credit cards. The ratio between debit cards and credit cards is 9.85 to 1.

There are 19,754.40 millions bankcard transactions in 2014, an increase of 6,783.45 millions or 52.30% compares to 12,970.95 million in 2013. The 19,754.40 million bankcard transactions in 2014 generated CNY42,384 billions, a significant increase of CNY10,552 billions or 33.15% compares to CNY31,832 billions in 2013.
A total of CNY5.6 trillion credit line available with credit card outstanding balance stood at CNY2.34 trillion as at 31st December 2014, an increase of 26.75% compares to the same period a year ago.

Credit Cards in China 2012-2013

As at 31st December 2013, there are 4,213.8928 millions bankcards issued in China, an increase of 679.7455 millions or 19.23% compares to 3,534.1473 millions in the same period in 2012.
Out of these, 3,823.1004 millions are debit cards, an increase of of 620.0483 millions 19.36% compares to 3,203.0521 millions in the same period in 2012. Debit cards made up 90.73 percent of the bankcards issued.
The balance of the bankcards are made up of 390.7924 millions credit cards, a significant increase of 59.6971 millions or 18.03% compares to 331.0953 millions in the same period in 2012. The 390.7924 millions credit cards can be broken down as 343.5627 millions ordinary credit cards and 47.2297 millions quasi-credit cards. The ratio between debit cards and credit cards is 9.78 to 1.

There are 12,970.95 millions bankcard transactions in 2013, an increase of 3,961.88 millions or 43.98% compares to 9,009.07 million in 2012. The 12,970.95 million bankcard transactions in 2013 generated CNY31,832 billions, a significant increase of CNY11,006 billions or 52.85% compares to CNY20,826 billions in 2012.
credit card outstanding balance stood at CNY1.84 trillion as at 31st December 2014, an increase of 61.80% compares to the same period a year ago.

Credit Cards in China 2011-2012

As at 31st December 2012, there are 3,534.1473 millions bankcards issued in China, an increase of 585.0975 millions or 19.84% compares to 2,949.0498 millions in the same period in 2011.
Out of these, 3,203.0521 millions are debit cards, an increase of of 539.4613 millions 20.25% compares to 2,663.5908 millions in the same period in 2011. Debit cards made up 90.63 percent of the bankcards issued.
The balance of the bankcards are made up of 331.0953 millions credit cards, a significant increase of 45.6364 millions or 15.99% compares to 285.4589 millions in the same period in 2011. The 331.0953 millions credit cards can be broken down as 289.0353 millions ordinary credit cards and 42.0598 millions quasi-credit cards. The ratio between debit cards and credit cards is 9.67 to 1.

There are 9,009.07 millions bankcard transactions in 2012, an increase of 2,596.06 millions or 40.48% compares to 6,413.01 million in 2011. The 9,009.07 million bankcard transactions in 2012 generated CNY20,826 billions, a significant increase of CNY5,614 billions or 36.91% compares to CNY15,212 billions in 2011.

Credit Cards in China 2010-2011

As at 31st December 2011, there are 2,949.0498 millions bankcards issued in China, an increase of 533.7408 millions or 22.10% compares to 2,415.309 millions in the same period in 2010.
Out of these, 2,663.5908 millions are debit cards, an increase of of 477.9348 millions 21.87% compares to 2,185.656 millions in the same period in 2010. Debit cards made up 90.32 percent of the bankcards issued.
The balance of the bankcards are made up of 285.4589 millions credit cards, a significant increase of 55.8059 millions or 24.30% compares to 229.653 millions in the same period in 2010. The ratio between debit cards and credit cards is 9.33 to 1.

There are 6,413.0 millions bankcard transactions in 2011, an increase of 1,563.6 millions or 32.24% compares to 4,849.4 million in 2010. The 6,413.0 million bankcard transactions in 2011 generated CNY15,212 billions, a significant increase of CNY4,782 billions or 45.85% compares to CNY10,430 billions in 2010.

Credit Cards in China 2009-2010

As at 31st December 2010, there are 2,415.309 millions bankcards issued in China, an increase of 349.365 millions or 16.91% compares to 2,065.944 millions in the same period in 2009.
Out of these, 2,185.656 millions are debit cards, an increase of of 305.268 millions 16.23% compares to 1,880.388 millions in the same period in 2009. Debit cards made up 90.49 percent of the bankcards issued.
The balance of the bankcards are made up of 229.653 millions credit cards, a significant increase of 44.007 millions or 23.72% compares to 185.556 millions in the same period in 2009. The ratio between debit cards and credit cards is 9.52 to 1.

There are 4,849.4 millions bankcard transactions in 2010, an increase of 1,358.2 millions or 38.9% compares to 3,491.2 million in 2009. The 4,849.4 million bankcard transactions in 2010 generated CNY10,429.8 billions, a significant increase of CNY3,568.5 billions or 52.01% compares to CNY6,861.3 billions in 2009.

Credit Cards in China 2008-2009

As at 31st December 2009, there are 2,065.944 millions bankcards issued in China, an increase of 265.555 millions or 14.75% compares to 1,800.389 millions in the same period in 2008.
Out of these, 1,880.388 millions are debit cards, an increase of of 222.328 millions 13.41% compares to 1,658.060 millions in the same period in 2008. Debit cards made up 91.02 percent of the bankcards issued.
The balance of the bankcards are made up of 185.556 millions credit cards, a significant increase of 43.277 millions or 30.37% compares to 142.329 millions in the same period in 2008. The ratio between debit cards and credit cards is 10.13 to 1.

There are 3,491.2 millions bankcard transactions in 2009, an increase of 845.9 millions or 31.87% compares to 2,645.3 million in 2008. The 3,491.2 million bankcard transactions in 2009 generated CNY6,861.3 billions, a whopping increase of CNY2,913.9 billions or 73.82% compares to CNY3,947.4 billions in 2008.

Credit Cards in China 2007-2008

The number of bankcards issued in China continues to increase in 2008, where credit cards accounted for majority of the increase. However, the growth rate of bankcards issued has slowed down.
As at 31st December 2008, there are 235 bankcard issuing institutions joining the China UnionPay network, 43 more than the same period in 2007. Out of these, 195 are domestic institutions and 40 are foreign institutions.
As at 31st December 2008, there are 1,800.3892 millions bankcards(1.36 bankcards per capita) issued in China, an increase of 300.4386 millions or 16.7% over the same period in 2007. However the bankcards growth rate has dropped by 15.9% compares to the same period in 2007.
Out of these, 1,658.0602 million(1.25 debit card per capita) are debit cards, an increase of 17.6% compares the same period in 2007. However the debit card growth rate has dropped by 12.8% compares to the same period in 2007. Debit cards made up 92.1 percent of the bankcards issued, down 1.9% compares the same period in 2007.
The balance of the bankcards are made up of 142.329 millions(0.11 credit cards per capita) credit cards, a significant increase of 57.7% compares to the same period in 2007. However the credit card growth rate has dropped by 24.3% compares to the same period in 2007. The ratio between debit cards and credit cards is 11.65 to 1.
With only 0.11 credit cards per capita, there is a huge potential growth for credit cards market in China.

State-owned Commercial Banks vs Private Commercial Banks
The credit cards growth rate in state-owned commercial banks is faster than private commercial banks.
As at 31st December 2008, there are 64.9311 million credit cards issued by state-owned commercial banks, a significant increase of 77.9% compares to the same period in 2007 and accounted for 78.1% of the total cards(quasi-credit cards and credit cards) issued.
In the same period, private commercial banks have issued 53.4668 million credit cards, an increase of 59.7% compares to the same period in 2007 and accounted for 96.8% of the total cards(quasi-credit cards and credit cards) issued.
In the meantime, China Postal Savings Bank started to issue credit cards as well. As at 31st December 2008, 17,200 credit cards have been issued by China Postal Savings Bank.

Credit cards outstanding balances and overdue balances
Consumer credit industry is growing rapidly and consistently with the continuous usage and acceptance of credit cards.
As at 31st December 2008, the credit card outstanding balances amounted to 980.457 billion yuan, a significant increase of 75.8% compares to the same period in 2007. This amount is 3.2 times higher compares to the same period in 2006.
In the same time, credit card overdue balances amounted to 158.212 billion yuan, a significant increase of 110.9% compares to the same period in 2007. This amount is 4.8 times higher compares to the same period in 2006.
Overall, there is a worrying trend in credit card spending and debt in China. Sooner or later, the relevant authorities have to step-in to prevent the consumer over-lending crisis which has affected countries such as South Korea and Taiwan.





